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The responsibility of the Factory is to orchestrate the creation of different classes, and its dependencies (through Provider or Config).

  • The Factory creates the classes of your module and resolves its dependencies
  • The Facade can access its Factory with getFactory()

Creating your objects

The Factory is the place where you create your domain services and objects. It is accessible only by the Facade.

Full code snippet: gacela-example/comment-spam-score/factory

<?php # src/Comment/CommentFactory.php

namespace App\Comment;

use App\Comment\Domain\SpamChecker;
use Gacela\Framework\AbstractFactory;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClient;

 * @method CommentConfig getConfig()
final class CommentFactory extends AbstractFactory
    public function createSpamChecker(): SpamChecker
        return new SpamChecker(
<?php # src/Comment/Domain/SpamChecker.php

namespace App\Comment\Domain;

use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

final class SpamChecker
    public function __construct(
        private HttpClientInterface $client,
        private string $endpoint
    ) {}

    public function getSpamScore(string $comment): int
        // your business logic
        return $x;

Auto-wiring dependencies into the Factory

Gacela can resolve automatically the dependencies for the Factory. If the dependency is a concrete class it will create a new instance of it - recursively with their inner dependencies as well. But, if the dependency is an interface, then the way to tell Gacela which instance do you want to create you need to create a map between the interface and the concrete class or object that you want to use. For example:

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
    $config->addBinding(InterfaceToConcrete::class, Concrete::class);

    $config->addBinding(InterfaceToCallable::class, fn() => new Concrete());

The major difference between these two are:

  • the InterfaceToConcrete will be resolved by creating an instance of that Concrete on the fly (even using auto-wiring for its dependencies recursively if needed)
  • the InterfaceToCallable won't create a new instance, but instead it will use the instance that you might want to
  • using a callable as value (the fn () => ...) is also a "lazy loading", so it will delay the execution of that code till its needed

Real example: symfony-gacela-example/gacela.php