
Initializing Gacela

Gacela should be bootstrapped using the Gacela::bootstrap function.

  • The first parameter is the application root directory and is mandatory
  • The second one is an optional Closure(GacelaConfig) configuration
<?php # index.php


# OR
  function (GacelaConfig $config) { /*...*/ }

The gacela.php file

You can define the configuration as the second parameter in the Gacela::bootstrap() in your index.php or, alternatively, you can create a gacela.php file in your application root directory which returns a Closure(GacelaConfig) function.

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) { ... };

Different environments

You can define a gacela configuration file for different environments using the APP_ENV environment variable. Where you have a Gacela file with the suffix of the environment in the file name, it will load that configuration.

For example:

  • APP_ENV=dev -> will load gacela-dev.php
  • APP_ENV=prod -> will load gacela-prod.php
  • APP_ENV=anything -> will load gacela-anything.php

The loading of this particular file will happen after the default gacela.php (if exists). So it will override (or add) the possible values you might have defined in the default gacela.php file.

(A similar behaviour already exists for your app config files. See: Config files for diff env.)

Note: If you are working "on top" of another project which is using gacela, you can always define your custom gacela.php file and define your GacelaConfig configuration, which will be combined with the gacela.php of the vendor project itself.


As we just mentioned, you can customize some Gacela behaviours while bootstrapping without the need of a gacela.php in the root of your project, however, if this file exists, it will be combined with the configuration from Gacela::bootstrap().
It is not mandatory but recommended having a gacela.php file in order to decouple and centralize the custom Gacela configuration.

In other words, you can modify some Gacela behaviour from two different places:

  1. Directly with Gacela::bootstrap()
  2. Or using gacela.php

File Cache

enableFileCache(string $directory = '.gacela/cache');
setFileCache(bool $enabled, string $directory = '.gacela/cache');

The gacela file cache is disabled by default. You can enable it using the enableFileCache() or setFileCache.

This will generate a file with all resolved classes by gacela will be cached resulting in a faster execution next time.

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {

  // or using the setter method

You can also enable or disable the gacela file cache system via your project config values.

<?php # config/default.php

use Gacela\Framework\ClassResolver\Cache\GacelaFileCache;

return [
  GacelaFileCache::KEY_ENABLED => true|false,

Application Config

addAppConfig(string $path, string $pathLocal = '', $reader = null);

Using the GacelaConfig object you can add different paths and use different config file types, even with custom config readers. The PhpConfigReader is used by default.

Config PHP files

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
    path: 'config/*.php',
    pathLocal: 'config/local.php',
    reader: PhpConfigReader::class

You can add as many application configuration as you need using addAppConfig().

  • path: this is the path of the folder which contains your application configuration. You can use ? or * in order to match 1 or multiple characters. Check glob() function for more info.
  • pathLocal: this is the last file loaded, which means, it will override the previous configuration, so you can easily add it to your .gitignore and set your local config values in case you want to have something different for some cases.
  • reader: Define the reader class which will read and parse the config files. It must implement ConfigReaderInterface.

Multiple and different environment config files

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
  $config->addAppConfig('config/.env', '', EnvConfigReader::class);
  $config->addAppConfig('config/*.custom', '', CustomConfigReader::class);
  $config->addAppConfig('config/*.php', 'config/local.php');

Hint: there is a shortcut to specify a "default php config":

<?php # index.php
Gacela::bootstrap(__DIR__, GacelaConfig::defaultPhpConfig());


addBinding(string $key, string|object|callable $value);

You can define a map between a type (class or interface) and the concrete class that you want to create (or use) when a certain type is found during the process of auto-wiring in a Gacela Plugin or Locator's container from any DependencyProvider.

The addBinding() method will let you bind a class with another class interface => concreteClass|callable|string-class that you want to resolve. For example:

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
  $config->addBinding(AbstractString::class, StringClass::class);
  $config->addBinding(ClassInterface::class, new ConcreteClass(/* args */));
  $config->addBinding(ComplexInterface::class, new class() implements Foo {/** logic */});
  $config->addBinding(FromCallable::class, fn() => new StringClass('From callable'));

In the example above, whenever OneInterface::class is found then OneConcrete::class will be resolved.

Using externalServices

addExternalService(string $key, $value);

Add the external service using addExternalService(string, string|object|callable). This is useful to share objects between the initial bootstrap callable and the gacela.php config files. Eg:

<?php # index.php

$instance = ...;

Gacela::bootstrap(__DIR__, function (GacelaConfig $config) use ($instance) {
  $config->addExternalService('concreteClass', ConcreteClass::class);
  $config->addExternalService('concreteInstance', $instance);

This way we can access the value of that key 'concreteClass' in the gacela.php from $config->getExternalService(string). For example:

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
  $instance = $config->getExternalService('concreteInstance');

  $config->addBinding(AnInterface::class, $instance);
  $config->addBinding(AnotherInterface::class, $instance);

In the example above, whenever AnInterface is found then ConcreteClass::class will be resolved. The same for AnotherInterface, the $concreteInstance will be used.


addPlugin(callable|class-string $plugin);
addPlugins(array $list);

You can run custom logic right after bootstrapping gacela from different places by adding plugins using the addPlugin method.

<?php # index.php

Gacela::bootstrap(__DIR__, function (GacelaConfig $config) {
  // using a callable
  $config->addPlugin(function (RouterInterface $router) {
    $router->configure(function (Routes $routes) {
      $routes->get('/uri', YourController::class, 'uriAction');

  // or using a class name

The class must be invokable, and it has autoload capabilities: all dependencies will be resolved automatically as soon as you have defined them using bindings. The same applies to the callable arguments above.

For example, having this other class ApiRoutesPlugin somewhere else:

<?php # ApiRoutesPlugin.php

final class ApiRoutesPlugin
  public function __invoke(RouterInterface $router): void
    $router->configure(function (Routes $routes): void {
      $routes->get('{name}', HelloController::class);

Suffix Types

addSuffixTypeFacade(string $suffix);
addSuffixTypeFactory(string $suffix);
addSuffixTypeConfig(string $suffix);
addSuffixTypeDependencyProvider(string $suffix);

Apart from the known Gacela suffix classes: Factory, Config, and DependencyProvider, you can define other suffixes to be resolved for your different modules. You can do this by adding custom gacela resolvable types.

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {

In the example above, you'll be able to create a gacela module with these file names:

├── Domain
   └── YourLogicClass.php
├── EntryPoint.php  # this is the `Facade`
├── Creator.php     # this is the `Factory`
├── Conf.php        # this is the `Config`
└── Binder.php      # this is the `DependencyProvider` 

Project Namespaces

setProjectNamespaces(array $list);

You can add your project namespaces to be able to resolve gacela classes with priorities.

Gacela will start looking on your project namespaces when trying to resolve any gacela resolvable classes, eg: Facade, Factory, Config, or DependencyProvider.

Let's visualize it with an example. Consider this structure:

├── gacela.php
├── index.php # entry point
├── src
│   └── Main
│       └── ModuleA
│           └── Factory.php
└── vendor
    └── third-party
        └── ModuleA
            ├── Facade.php
            └── Factory.php
<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {

Because you have defined Main as your project namespace, when you use the ModuleA\Facade from vendor, that Facade will load the Factory from src/Main/ModuleA/Factory and not vendor/third-party/ModuleA/Factory because Main has priority (over third-party, in this case).

TL;DR: You can override gacela resolvable classes by copying the directory structure from vendor modules in your project namespaces.

Listening internal gacela events

registerGenericListener(callable $listener);
registerSpecificListener(string $event, callable $listener);

Gacela has an internal event-listener system that dispatches a variety of events. These are read-only events interesting for tracing, debugging or act on them as you want.

Register a generic listener to all internal gacela events

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
    function (GacelaEventInterface $event) {
      echo $event->toString();

Register a specific listener to one internal gacela event

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
    function (GacelaEventInterface $event): void {
      echo $event->toString();

List of supported events

  • ClassNameInvalidCandidateFoundEvent
  • ClassNameNotFoundEvent
  • ClassNameCachedFoundEvent
  • ClassNameValidCandidateFoundEvent
  • ReadPhpConfigEvent
  • AbstractGacelaClassResolverEvent
  • ResolvedClassCachedEvent
  • ResolvedClassCreatedEvent
  • ResolvedCreatedDefaultClassEvent
  • ResolvedClassTriedFromParentEvent
  • ClassNameCacheCachedEvent
  • ClassNamePhpCacheCreatedEvent
  • ClassNameInMemoryCacheCreatedEvent
  • CustomServicesCacheCachedEvent
  • CustomServicesPhpCacheCreatedEvent
  • CustomServicesInMemoryCacheCreatedEvent

Reset internal InMemoryCache


If you are working with integration tests, this option can be helpful to avoid false-positives, as Gacela works as a global singleton pattern to store the resolved dependencies.

<?php # gacela.php

return function (GacelaConfig $config) {

Extend Service

extendService(string $id, Closure $service);

You are able to extend any service functionality. The extendService() receives the service name that will be defined in any DependencyProvider, and a callable which receives the service itself as 1st arg, and the Container as 2nd arg.

An example

Consider we have a module with these DependencyProvider, Factory and Facade.

The DependencyProvider has a service defined 'ARRAY_OBJ' which is an ArrayObject with values [1, 2] (see Module/DependencyProvider.php)

We "extend" that service 'ARRAY_OBJ' and appending 3 (see gacela.php)

Its state when using the Facade and resolving that will be [1, 2, 3] (see index.php)


# Module/DependencyProvider.php
final class DependencyProvider extends AbstractDependencyProvider
  public const ARRAY_OBJ = 'ARRAY_OBJ';

  public function provideModuleDependencies(Container $container): void
    $container->set(self::ARRAY_OBJ, new ArrayObject([1, 2]));

# Module/Factory.php
final class Factory extends AbstractFactory
  public function getArrayAsObject(): ArrayObject
    return $this->getProvidedDependency(DependencyProvider::ARRAY_OBJ);

# Module/Facade.php
final class Facade extends AbstractFacade
  public function getArrayAsObject(): ArrayObject
    return $this->getFactory()->getArrayAsObject();

# gacela.php
Gacela::bootstrap(__DIR__, function (GacelaConfig $config) {
    function (ArrayObject $arrayObject, Container $container) {

# index.php
$facade = new Module\Facade();
$facade->getArrayAsObject(); // === new ArrayObject([1, 2, 3])

Extend Gacela Config

extendGacelaConfig(string $configClass);
extendGacelaConfigs(array $list);

You can extend GacelaConfig from different places using the extendGacelaConfig method.

The class must be invokable, and it will receive the GacelaConfig object. For example:

<?php # index.php

Gacela::bootstrap(__DIR__, function (GacelaConfig $config) {

### Having this other class somewhere else:
final class RouterConfig
  public function __invoke(GacelaConfig $config): void
    $router = new Router();

    $config->addBinding(Router::class, $router);
    $config->addBinding(RouterInterface::class, $router);

A complete example using gacela.php

<?php # gacela.php
return function (GacelaConfig $config) {
    // Define different config sources.
    ->addAppConfig('config/*.php', 'config/override.php')

    // Allow overriding gacela resolvable types.

    // Define the mapping between interfaces and concretions,
    // so Gacela services will auto-resolve them automatically.
    ->addBinding(GeneratorInterface::class, ConcreteGenerator::class)
    ->addBinding(CustomInterface::class, $config->getExternalService('key'))

    // Run custom logic right after bootstrapping gacela

    // Define your project namespace resolve gacela classes with priorities.
    // Enable Gacela file cache system with a custom cache directory.
    // Listening all internal gacela events
      function (GacelaEventInterface $event): void {
        echo $event->toString();
    // Listening a concrete internal gacela event
      function (GacelaEventInterface $event): void {
        echo $event->toString();
    // Extending the functionality of a particular service
      static function (ServiceType $service): void {
        // you can retrieve/alter any functionality of the $service  
    // Add additional gacela configuration



Get the application root dir set when bootstrapping gacela.


Get a located binding or singleton already loaded considering the existing container dependencies on runtime.