
This concept is not a design pattern itself, but it's designed in a way that you can easily access all config values in your modules, and it's accessible from the Factory out of the box. The Config allows you to construct your business objects with specific configuration values clearly and straightforwardly.

Note: This example will use the "Config PHP files" by default; all files in 'config/*.php'.

The config file

First, we need a config file with the key-values that we want to access from out Config:

<?php # config/default.php

return [
    'AKISMET-KEY' => 'your-akismet-key',

The Module's Config class

The Config class from your module can access those config key-values by their keys:

<?php # src/Comment/CommentConfig.php

use Gacela\Framework\AbstractConfig;

final class CommentConfig extends AbstractConfig
    public function getSpamCheckerEndpoint(): string 
        return sprintf(

Accessing the Config from the Factory

You can access the Config methods from the Factory, to create your domain logic:

<?php # src/Comment/CommentFactory.php

use Gacela\Framework\AbstractFactory;

 * @method CommentConfig getConfig()
final class CommentFactory extends AbstractFactory
    public function createSpamChecker(): SpamChecker
        return new SpamChecker(

The Facade uses the Factory

In the end, the Factory will be used by the module's Facade:

<?php # src/Comment/CommentFacade.php

namespace App\Comment;

use Gacela\Framework\AbstractFacade;

 * @method CommentFactory getFactory()
final class CommentFacade extends AbstractFacade
    public function getSpamScore(string $comment): int
        return $this->getFactory()

Config files for different environments

You can load (on top of the existing application config files) some particular files with the same suffix as the APP_ENV values in the config files. For example, having this config setup:

Gacela::bootstrap($appRootDir, function (GacelaConfig $config): void {
<?php # config/default.php

return [
    'AKISMET-KEY' => 'default-akismet-key',
<?php # config/default-prod.php

return [
    'AKISMET-KEY' => 'production-akismet-key',

Then the config value that we will get when looking for 'AKISMET-KEY will be:

  • If we don't have any APP_ENV, then default-akismet-key
  • If we have APP_ENV=prod, then production-akismet-key